“IF I HAD MY WAY” a play by Joseph Reed Hayes FILL IN AND UPLOAD YOUR RESUME TO APPLY FOR THE POSITION OF STAGE MANAGER If you find you have trouble submitting through the website, please submit through Wetransfer to actingavis@gmail.com ACTOR SUBMISSION FORMPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Email *Phone *Upload Headshot *This can be in .pdf, .jpeg, .gif, or .png format up to 500 MB.Upload Resume *This can be in a pdf, txt, or doc format. Up to 100 MBUpload Short Bio *A short statement of 300 words or less with a little about yourself, your past projects, future projects and anything else you wish to share. For use in our playbill and media. Required. What audition date will you be able to attend the live audition?December 18th, MondayDecember 20th, WednesdayDecember 21st, ThursdayCheck all that apply!If you can't attend the live audition, will you submit a video audition?YesNoPlace the URL here:Upload your video to either YouTube or Vimeo. The deadline for this is 6pm December 20th.Questions, Comments, Concerns? *Submit BACK TO AUDITION PAGE